Checkpoint Challenge (CPC) is a game mode in Golf Clash, accessible once you have unlocked Tour 3 in the game. It normally runs twice a season, for between 3-5 days each time and usually features 3 different courses. The aim is to win consecutive 1v1 matches in order to reach various checkpoints along the way (as shown in the image above). Each checkpoint is marked with a Prize Chest - the reward contents of the chests improve as you proceed through the checkpoints. The later chests usually award a significant number of Epic club cards, as well as a good amount of Season Tokens and Clan Points.
Players are given a random selection of clubs (regardless of what
clubs you have
unlocked and what level they are in your normal Golf Clash bags). You can use any
ball you like from your inventory in CPC. You are also allowed to swap the ball you
use if you reach the shootout, following a tie in the regular Par 4/5 hole. If you
do this you will be charged for both balls used during the match.
The wind in a CPC
hole is random, but will be the same direction for both players for all shots on the
Players use CPC tokens to participate. These can be stored up to a maximum of 20
tokens. 1 free token is issued every time CPC is added to the game - you can collect
this simply by entering the game mode (even if you do not wish to play that
particular CPC event). CPC tokens can also be earned in the Golf Pass or by watching
in game advertisements, or you can buy them with gems. You pay 1 CPC token each time
you enter CPC. If you win your match you continue on the same token. If you lose
your match it costs another CPC token to re-enter at the stage after the most recent
checkpoint you reached.

CPC is a fun game mode where you often have to adapt to some strange club
combinations. You are shown your bag on the load screen - many people like to take a
quick screenshot of this so they can equip wind app calculators to help them. You
can also see your bag during the hole by clicking on it. It is helpful to know what
Driver, Wood Club and Long Iron you will be using as most games go to shootout and
it is normally one of those clubs that you use in the shootout.
We provide comprehensive CPC Guides for every CPC - these are designed to
you with tried and tested routes to green, as well as the best advice on how to
the shootouts. Often in CPC it is about minimising errors and taking advantage
opponents who make them. If you are interested in our CPC Guides you can find
information and access there HERE.